Tom performed the role of Gus in Tony Kushner's epic play Intelligent Homosexual's Guide...
The Washington Post
“Wiggin’s grounded and searching performance provides the evening with a useful touchstone.”
“…the dynamic portrayal is phenomenal. The emotions felt are expressively intense in Wiggin’s performance; award and praise worthy for a stunning show well delivered.”
DC Metro Theatre Arts
“…Tom Wiggin’s compelling and persuasive performance…”
Curtain Up
“…a powerful performance by Tom Wiggin…” “Tom Wiggin’s Gus (is) particularly strong…”
“Tom Wiggin anchors the proceedings as a gruff, plainspoken patriarch, Gus….who ends up being the calm at the center of the storm…”
Tom completed two performances of his one man show, Remarkable Radical, which he conceived, wrote and starred in.
Laura Kendall, Director, The Ware Center
"Tom Wiggin's portrayal of Thaddeus Stevens was riveting. Our audiences loved it!"
Ross Hetrick, President, Thaddeus Stevens Society
"...Wiggin truly brings Stevens to life on the stage. It is a very moving experience..."
Candice O'Donnell, Actress, Mary Todd Lincoln
"...wonderful production values and Tom Wiggin exhibits an amazing vocal instrument..."
Harvey Owen, Director, The Ware Center
"...a well-produced, beautifully acted and stirringly scripted show."
Tom portrayed impresario Norman Granz in Ella Fitzgerald: First Lady of Song
"Tom Wiggin gives a truly genuine performance as Granz, making the audience like him from his first set of lines."
Washingtonian Magazine
"Tom Wiggin…bolster[s] the dramatic parts of the production. Wiggin plays Norman Granz, Fitzgerald’s manager and the brains behind her iconic records. The actor is best known for his decades of television work, and that experience pays off here…"
MD Theater Guide
"Jazz promoter Norman Granz,[is] played with spot on slick salesmanship and drive by Tom Wiggin…